
TLF. 609435108 - 972593176


INGLESCONTACTARicono face españa

  • Routes d' 1 hour
  • Routes de 2 hours
  • 1 day
  • 2 days
  • 3 days
  • 4 days
  • 5 days
  • 6 days
  • 7 days
  • On demand routes





We start with a first phase of initiation to horseback riding on the track. Once we have become familiar with the basics of horseback riding and with our horse, we move on to the second phase and go for a walk, in which we will discover the environments of great beauty that surround Equinatur. Our routes are designed for riders and riders of all levels, from beginners to experienced riders..







Les nostres rutes recorren itineraris de gran interés històric, paisatgístic i entorns naturals de gran valor ecològic. L'activitat es divideix en una primera fase d'iniciació a l'equitació a la pista, en la que treballarem els fonaments de l'equitació i ens familiaritzarem amb el nostre cavall. La segona part ens portarà a fora de les nostres instal·lacions, a fer un passeig que en aquest cas ens permetrà anar més lluny. Les rutes estan dissenyades per a genets i amazones de tots els nivells, des de a iniciació fins als experimentats.

  • Ruta a Esponellà
  • Ruta a Banyoles
  • Ruta a Maià de Montcalt
  • Ruta a Sant Miquel de Campmajor
  • Ruta a Usall
  • Ruta a Vilavenut
  • Ruta a Besalú




This equestrian trip to Esponellà is made up of two very different parts: open spaces and landscapes with very distant horizons, and another of river landscape. It covers a total distance of fifteen kilometers, and is carried out in approximately three effective hours of riding, divided between morning and afternoon. The tour begins with a short talk and initiation in which the basic points of horseback riding and safety recommendations are indicated.

We will equip ourselves and carry out some small practices in the riding arena. The excursion begins at our center in Serinyà, and we head towards the Pla de Martís. This is where the first characteristic part of the route begins, where the open horizon shows us the Pyrenees and the pre-Pyrenean foothills, which are staggered in height, with the valleys ascending in a multitude of greys and browns. The Pla de Martís is surprisingly flat. Area declared of ecological interest for the abundance of birds and fauna it hosts.

When we reach the crossing of the stream, we take the path that occupies its bed, to enter between wide fields of crops until we reach the four municipalities. A peculiar point, on the banks of the stream, where the municipalities of Serinyá, Fontcoberta, Esponella and Porqueres converge, which is marked by a beautiful statue of religious motif. We follow the stream that begins, a short distance from the point where we are in a seasonal lake. We follow its course until we reach the bridge and the Romanesque crossroads that surprise us with the image of its unexpected beauty. In case it coincides with a rainy season, and water runs down the stream, we will be able to contemplate the Espolla waterfall. A waterfall with a truly spectacular slope of waterfall. We will climb at this point in the direction of Vilavenut, and in the curves of the ascent, we contemplate the beauty of the Pla. We cross several typical farmhouses and descend along a small path to Esponellà, where we will have lunch.

We made a visit to Esponellà that surprised us with its peculiar buildings and the few, but characteristic, streets that compose it. After lunch, we take the tread of the power stations, where we will follow the course of the Fluviá river and the two small reservoirs that follow one another along the way. It is an area of great humidity, where the rocky fault that crosses us to the left, oozes water every few meters. Now we are a group of friends and we feel in tune with our companion, the horse. After passing the dams, we will begin to ascend through a forest that at times becomes the characteristic Mediterranean forest of holm oaks and pines. At the end of the ascent, the first houses of Serinyà appear, the end of our adventure. We say goodbye with a see you soon, because in addition to doing a route, we have made some friends.






The tour begins with a short talk and initiation that indicates the basic points of horseback riding and safety recommendations. We will equip ourselves and carry out some small practices in the riding arena. The excursion begins at our center in Serinyá, and we head towards the Pla de Martís. There we are in the first characteristic part of the route, where the open horizon shows us the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenean foothills, which are staggered in height, with the valleys ascending in a multitude of greys and browns.

The Pla de Martís is surprisingly flat. Area declared of ecological interest for the abundance of birds and fauna it hosts. When we reach the crossing of the stream, we take the path that occupies its bed, to enter through large fields of crops until we reach the four municipalities. A peculiar point, on the banks of the stream, where the municipalities of Serinyá, Fontcoberta, Esponella and Porqueres converge, which is marked by a beautiful statue of religious motif. We follow the stream, which rises a short distance from the point where we are in a seasonal lake. We follow its course until we reach the bridge and the Romanesque crossroads that surprise us with the image of its unexpected beauty. If it coincides with a rainy season, and water runs down the stream, we will be able to contemplate the Espolla waterfall. A waterfall with a truly spectacular slope when the water falls. We will climb at this point in the direction of Vilavenut, and in the curves of the ascent, we contemplate the beauty of the Pla. From here we have entered the area of mounds where the path alternates fields and forests.

After crossing some farmhouses that form the neighborhood of Usall, from where we begin to see the depression of the Pla de l'Estany with a beautiful perspective of the lake and the city of Banyoles where we will eat. After lunch, we retrace our steps and after the poplar path, we turn left, through scrubland and hollows, to come out at the height of the Melianta mallets. We cross the urbanization of Melianta, and we will reach the shore of Lake d'Espolla, a protected natural area, characteristic for having a unique small crustacean called Triops. This seasonal lake is as attractive when it is covered with water as it is with the dense prairie that covers it when it is dried. After skirting it in case it contains water, as well as crossing it if it is dried, we take the path to the refuge. This path takes us to an area of anti-aircraft bunkers, which remind us of the time when there was a military aerodrome here. By a straight path as if traced in a line strip, we arrive at the entrance of Serinyá, where several farmhouses in the most Catalan style, take us to a slight descent between a centenary oak grove, until we reach the end of our route, and we say goodbye with a see you very soon






Equestrian trip to Maià de Montcalt. We leave from Equinatur, located in Serinyà, to 3 Km of the lake of Banyoles, fair under the mountain of Mare of Deu of the Mont. First estribación pirenaica. The pirineos invites us with their stateliness and beauty to go into in them. And we find very simple. To the you come yourself meters of Equinatur, we are amid the first valley, in address to the river to Be. A thick and centennial forest of oaks, with a low bruc forest and grass, descends for the calcareous rocks that in its numerous cavities to harbor you there for the paleolithic one to the well-known older inhabitants in the peninsula, and that they make of Serinyà a place of the most important as for prehistoric challenges he/she refers. After 1 Km., we have arrived at the river to Be. A vegetation typically of rivera it accuses us in the thickness of the encinar the course of the river for the contrast of greens that the different vegetación.En produces the measure that we go into in the boulevard, they change the sounds completely. The cicadas, cuckoos, rooks, and wittiness, open the way to the frogs pardales, goldfinches, and the sound of the río.Atravesaremos the river next to an area of bathtubs, and the crystalline water allows us to choose all depth we want to go into. A serpentine ascent ascends us until a field of grasses and silencio.Al end of 200 meters we will have arrived to the one on the way to the Power station of Serinyà. We will take it in address west, have just ascended the turó from the one which, we will sight the whole valley and Serinyà to the bottom. At this time we will rotate toward the North, and we will begin the descent with a path in constant it struggles with the overgrowth, toward the natural reservation of the Fluvià.

The descent is more and more marked, putting on approval the dexterity of horsemen, amazons and horses. These last ones perfectly adapted to these places that travel to inaccessible diario.Lo of the road it has been worthwhile. We will largely have arrived to a boulevard, and according to the station, flooded by the waters of the river Fluvià where the multitude of rakes accuses the abundant wild life of the area. We will leave the boulevard to follow the course of the river Fluvià, until a point in the one that their mighty bed allows us to cross it. The feet who he/she wants to avoid to be wet, rising crosses the river, with the gift of the numerous aquatic birds going away, since it is an area of rest of multitude of migratory aquatic birds and other sedentarias.Un extensive hierbazal it camouflages in path that will take us to the north end of the park for the other bank. In the measure that we separate, the grass is shorter, and now, a soft and extensive prairie invites us to gallop. We begin to go up the other rivera of the Fluviá, we cross the one on the way to Besalú and we go toward Dosquers: Some houses, some farms and some cultivation fields that occupy the high of a small hill. To the few meters we will descend toward he/she Laughed her at Maià, and winding the road, we will arrive until the urbanization of the I Milled of Llorenç.

We will cross the highway of Figueres, and to the bottom we will have Maià of Montcal. A soft ascension to the skirt of the mountain Mare of Deu of the Mont, takes us to the town of Maià. It is where we will eat. An afternoon we will begin the one on the way to return, we will find all the perspectives new when seeing them in contrary sense.












After completing the preparations, we will head to the center of our small and quiet village of Serinyà. We will cross it to descend to the height of the River Ser, which we will go up and cross on several occasions over the water, between beautiful farmhouses and lush fields, until we begin the ascent of small foothills marked from smallest to largest, where it hides fantastic valleys. They conclude in a step denigrated by the Coll de Guixeres due to its calcareous composition. From this point we begin the descent of the other side: The Vall de Campmajor, declared a biosphere reserve by Unesco, a spectacle from this perspective. We descend until we reach Sant Miquel de Campmajor, which as such consists of only three houses and the town hall. One of them is our restaurant, where we will eat. The rest of the houses and farms that make it up are distributed along the valley. After lunch, we will return unlike in the morning, when we cross the valley following the course of the Tort river, we will follow the slope of the eastern flank of the river to reach the base of the Coll de Guiseres. We will ascend it on a winding and steep path, to discover now the opposite perspective, which allows us to see a fantastic perspective of the entire Pla de l'Estany with the Costa Brava, from the Golgfo de Roses to L'estartit.

We will return to Equinatur with a memory full of sensations and beautiful images, and grateful for our fantastic horses and companions .












The journey, begins with a small chat and initiation in which is indicated the basic points of the horsemanship and the recommendations of security. We equip ourselves and we will carry out some small ones practical in the picadero. The trip begins in our center of Serinyá, and we go toward the pla of Martís. There we are in the first part characteristic of the journey, where the open horizon shows us the Pyrenees and the estribaciones Pre-pirenaicas that are staggered in height, with the upward valleys in a multitude of gray and brown.

The Pla of Martís, is surprisingly flat. Declared space of ecological interest for the abundance of birds and fauna that it welcomes. When arriving to the crossing of the stream, we take the road that occupies their channel, to go into among wide cultivation fields until arriving to the the four terms. Peculiar point, on he/she laughed her, where the municipal terms of Serinyá converge, Fontcoberta, Esponella and Porqueres, and pointed out by a beautiful statue of reason religious. We continue the he/she laughed that is born at little distance of the point where we are in a seasonal lake. We follow their course until arriving to the bridge and the cruzeiro románico that we are surprised with the print of their unexpected beauty. In the event of coinciding with a station of rains, and run water for he/she laughed her, we will be able to contemplate the jump of Espolla. A waterfall with a really spectacular difference when he/she falls the water. We will ascend in this point in address of Vilavenut, and in the curves of the ascent, we contemplate in their magnitude the beauty of the Pla. Starting from here we have entered in the area of mounds, the road alternates fields and forests.

After crossing a couple of farmhouses we will arrive to Vilavenut where we will eat. Vilavenut is a small town with an urban helmet of 40 neighbors, dedicated to the agriculture, and an organization very beautiful urbanística. After eating, we return on our steps and after the one on the way to boulevard, we stray to the left, through mount under and hollows, to leave to the height of the mallets of Melianta. We cross the urbanization of Melianta., and we will arrive on the lake d'Espollá, protected natural space. This seasonal lake, is so attractive when it is covered with water, like with the dense prairie that covers it when it is dried up. After skirting it in the event of containing water, as crossing it if it is dried up, we take the one on the way to the refuge. This road takes us to the height of an area of antiaircraft bunquers that you/they remind us the time in which existed a military aerodrome here. For a right road as layout to ribbon lines, we arrive to the entrance of Serinyá, where several farmhouses to the more Catalan style, take us to a slight slope among a centennial grove, until arriving to finish our route, and to say goodbye with an until very soon.





Begins with a small chat and initiation that it indicates the basic points of the horsemanship and the recommendations of security. We equip ourselves and we will carry out some small ones practical in the picadero. The trip begins in our center of Serinyá, and we go toward the Pla of Martís. There we are in the first part characteristic of the journey, where the open horizon shows us the Pyrenees and the estribaciones Pre-pirenaicas that are staggered in height, with the upward valleys in a multitude of gray and brown.

The Pla of Martís, is surprisingly flat. Declared space of ecological interest for the abundance of birds and fauna that it welcomes. When arriving to the crossing of the stream, we take the road that occupies their channel, to go into among wide cultivation fields until arriving to the four terms. Peculiar point, on he/she laughed her, where the municipal terms of Serinyá converge, Fontcoberta, Esponella and Porqueres that it is pointed out by a beautiful statue of reason religious. We continue the he/she laughed that is born at little distance of the point where we are in a seasonal lake. We follow their course until arriving to the bridge and the cruzeiro románico that we are surprised with the print of their unexpected beauty. In the event of coinciding with a station of rains, and run water for he/she laughed her, we will be able to contemplate the jump of Espolla. A waterfall with a really spectacular difference when he/she falls the water. We will ascend in this point in address of Vilavenut, and in the curves of the ascent, we contemplate in their magnitude the beauty of the Pla. Starting from here we have entered in the area of mounds where the road alternates fields and forests.

After crossing a couple of farmhouses we will arrive to Vilavenut where we will eat. Vilavenut is a small town with an urban helmet of 40 neighbors, dedicated to the agriculture, and an organization very beautiful urbanística. After eating, we return on our steps and after the one on the way to boulevard, we stray to the left, through mount under and hollows, to leave to the height of the mallets of Melianta. We cross the urbanization of Melianta, and we will arrive on the lake d'Espollá, protected natural space. This seasonal lake, is so attractive when it is covered with water, like with the dense prairie that covers it when it is dried up. After skirting it in case that contains water, as crossing it if it is dried up, we take the one on the way to the refuge. This road takes us to the height of an area of antiaircraft bunquers that you/they remind us the time in the one that here a military aerodrome existed. For a right road as layout to ribbon lines, we arrive to the entrance of Serinyá, where several farmhouses to the most Catalan style, take us to a slight slope among a centennial grove, until arriving at the end of our route, and we say goodbye with an until very soon.









This equestrian route to Besalú is characterized by the surprising natural beauty of the route, the variety of its landscapes, and the town of Besalú. Medieval capital of Girona. It covers a total distance of fifteen kilometers, and is carried out in approximately three effective hours of riding, divided between morning and afternoon. The tour begins with a short talk and initiation in which the basic points of horseback riding and safety recommendations are indicated. We will equip ourselves and carry out some small practices in the riding arena.

The route begins in Serinyà, heading through holm oak groves, in the direction of the lower basin of the Serinyadell, Ser and Fluvià rivers, it is a four-kilometre route. We will observe how the characteristic vegetation of Mediterranean forest, in which holm oaks, oaks, pines and some fig trees are interspersed, gives way as we descend towards the bed of the first river, to the characteristic vegetation of the humid banks. The bushes and blackberry undergrowth maintain a constant pulse with the roads. After crossing the Serinyadell and crossing the Ser, next to a natural pool (very useful in the summer season), we go up to the path of the power plant. In this area, small orchards are combined with hundred-year-old holm oaks, and once at the top, it offers us a perspective of the valley of Ser worth not missing.

A hundred meters from the path we go back into the forest. We begin a sequence of descents, until we reach the Fluviá natural park. Again, and this time immediately, the oak forest becomes a huge expanse of large poplars and banana trees, where the trace of wild animals is evident: The land disturbed by wild boars, the huge nests of eagles in the trees, the tiny path between the tall virgin grass and small colonies of ferns, the usual routes of these inhabitants give us away.

We cross the extensive groves, the wide humeral groves, until we reach the bank of the Fluvià. Here the river offers a respectable appearance. With a depth of half a meter, it runs with a width of approximately fifty meters. As we pass, the large colony of green-necked ducks, seagulls and a wide variety of waders see the tranquility in which they live within this protected area broken for a moment, and give us a spectacle of color and sound, while they take flight away from us.

We started to leave the park, and in a very gentle ascent we reached the track. An agricultural road, crossed by crop fields and farmhouses. A few minutes later, Besalú appears on the horizon. The path is straight and smooth. For the first time in the whole journey, having an open horizon we appreciate the feeling of calm, we are insinuated to life without haste, in which it turns out that you arrive at the destination anyway, and also calm. We are already in Besalú, and after a climb, we see its medieval bridge, its walls and buildings. If they took away our vehicles, we wouldn't know what time we would have returned to. We cross the esplanade of the bridge, among the curious gaze of all the tourists who visit Besalú at all hours, and we ascend to the other flank of the basin. After a few metres, we are again accompanied on the right side by the holm oak forest, and on the left the entire Fluviá basin opens up more and more as we climb the altitude. to the sea. When you contemplate this landscape you realize that green is an undefined color with thousands of shades.

We will be able to see the whole way traveled from a bird's eye view, and we will be amazed at ourselves at how much we have been able to ride. We will enter an asphalt road, and although it is actually the access to the restaurant where we will immediately eat, we will respect all the safety rules that we have learned in the initiation talk. Five minutes into the heart of the mountain, we arrive at the Hostal Condal. A well-deserved meal awaits us. We are in the middle of an impressive lushness, where the forest is presumed to be impenetrable, except for the abundant wildlife. Now the whole group is in tune, and with the food we feel comforted. A quiet after-dinner conversation, a gentle walk through the facilities, and again on the back of our adventure partner.

We descend along a small path, crossing several farmlands and several streams, and after a considerable climb, we find ourselves in the middle of mountains. We continue the path, and suddenly the horizon opens up at La Bruguera, a beautiful farm where they breed horses to go down to El Ser, at the height of Can Illa. We cross the river and follow the path to Serinyà, where an unforgettable day will culminate, in which we will surely have made good friends, we will have discovered some beautiful places and we will also have enriched ourselves a little.


  • Ruta mas Torrencito enParets de l'Empordà
  • Ruta Can Ribes en Camós








The route follow the way on horseback to Mas Torrencito, in Parets de l'Empordà. It offers a great diversity of possible itineraries, adapting both to novice people who are starting to ride horses, and to those who already have experience as riders and riders.

In this route that we describe, we have sought an itinerary in which beauty and orography can satisfy everyone. We will start the adventure around 10:00 on the first day. We will carry out the distribution of horses and equip them. Around 11:00 we will do some small practices in the riding arena, we will check that everything is ready, and we will start the adventure. 50 meters from the equestrian center we will find ourselves in the Pla de Martís. An extensive plain declared by the PEIN (Plan of Environments of Natural Interest), from which the Pyrenees are shown in all their splendour. We will cross the Pla, to the neighborhood of Martís. We will cross the bridge of the Espolla stream, and we will enter through a slope in the forest of Esponellà.

From the top, we will see the beauty of the Pla that we have just crossed. We will follow the path in which small meadows, crop fields, forests and typical Catalan farmhouses alternate with an ancestral charm. At the top, we are shown on the other side the entire basin of the Fluviá river that at our feet flanks the small villages of Esponellà, Vilert, Orfes. We go down in an easterly direction, towards Parets, for which we skirt different crop fields, cross the La Farga stream, and Parets will appear to us.

A few meters away we can already see Mas Torrencito, where we will arrive around 19:00. We have already reached the halfway point of the journey. The beautiful and green environment, the cosiness of the large farmhouse and its owners, will convince us that this adventure has been worth it. We will tend to our mounts, and we will spread out in the rooms. We will have dinner around 8:00 p.m. and we will talk about the different variants that the return offers us, due to the diversity of paths that we have been discovering throughout the journey. It is possible to follow the same route, but now we know each other well enough as riders and we will adapt the itinerary to our characteristics.

The next day, we have already decided what our itinerary will be, and at 10:00 we will begin to prepare our return, and at 19:00 we will be back at approximately Equinatur, with the feeling that we will have lived an unforgettable adventure in contact with nature. The route is of enormous possibilities in terms of the diversity of possible itineraries, therefore adapting both to novice people who are starting to ride horses, and to those who already have experience as riders and horsemen .







The tour begins with a short talk and initiation in which the basic points of horseback riding and safety recommendations are indicated. We will equip ourselves and carry out some small practices in the riding arena. The excursion begins at our center in Serinyá, and we head towards the Pla de Martís. There we are in the first characteristic part of the route, where the open horizon shows us the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenean foothills, which are staggered in height, with the valleys ascending in a multitude of greys and browns.

The Pla de Martís, is surprisingly flat. Area declared of ecological interest for the abundance of birds and fauna it hosts. When we reach the crossing of the stream, we take the path that occupies its bed, to enter through wide fields of crops until we reach the four municipalities. A peculiar point, on the banks of the stream, where the municipalities of Serinyá, Fontcoberta, Esponella and Porqueres converge, and marked by a beautiful statue of religious motif. We follow the stream, which rises a short distance from the point where we are in a seasonal lake. We follow its course until we reach the bridge and the Romanesque crossroads that surprise us with the image of its unexpected beauty. If it coincides with a rainy season, and water runs down the stream, we will be able to contemplate the Espolla waterfall. A waterfall with a truly spectacular slope when the water falls. We will climb at this point in the direction of Vilavenut, and in the curves of the ascent, we contemplate the beauty of the Pla. From here we have entered the area of mounds, the path alternates fields and forests.

After crossing a couple of farmhouses in Usall, we will arrive in Banyoles where we will have lunch very close to its lake. We will begin an ascent and descent of small mounds until we begin to ascend the foothills of the Rocacorba mountain range, where we will reach an altitude of 400 meters, and we will be able to enjoy splendid landscapes of the province and the Costa Brava.

We will mark different valleys, until we reach the farmhouse from the back, we will take care of our horses and we will take the well-deserved rest with the kind attention of Inma and her family.

The next day around 10 we will head towards the outward path. But when we reach the pass of the Creu d'Asprell, we will take the descent from Mas ventós, and thus have an open perspective on almost the entire descent of the Pla de l'Estany and the Costa Brava. We will arrive in Banyoles again for lunch and in the afternoon we will follow the eastern flank of the lake, enjoying the wetlands that are arranged and protected for the conservation of multiple species, which especially birds adorn the landscape as we pass.

We will cross the Pla de Martís with the majesty of the Pyrenees in the background, until we reach Equinatur again.


  • Ca la Coixa trail
  • Mas Salvanera trail







This route lapses in the area that was occupied by highwaymen dedicated to assault the travelers of the roads along the XVIII and XIX centuries. Then they were smugglers' steps, and in them them multitude of legends and legendary characters hide. The route that is characterized by the steps among the mountains. It begins in Equinatur, in Serinyá, very near the lake of Banyoles. Around 11 o'clock, we will begin to know ourselves, to distribute the horses to each person, to equip the mounts and we will carry out a small practice in the picadero. Around 12 o'clock, we will leave in address of Besalú. The day begins in Serinyà, going by encinares, in the address of the low vegetation of the rivers Serinyadell, to Be and Fluvià, in four kilometers.

After to frank the Serinyadell and to cross the Being, beside the natural pool (very useful in the summer time), we ascend. To a hundred meters in the route goes into again in the forest. We begin a the succession of descents, until arriving at the natural park of the Fluviá. Trees plataneros where the rake of the wild animals is evident. We cross the extensive forests, the humedales, until arriving to the Fluvià. To our step, the numerous colony of ducks of green neck, gulls and great variety of waders, they break the serenity of the moment inside this protected space, and they give us a coloring image when lifting the flight to move away from us. To few minutes, we are presented in the horizon Besalú. We arrive to Besalú, and after an ascension, we discover their medieval bridge, their walls and buildings, where we will eat. At 15:30 o'clock we will begin to stretch the legs on foot with a small soft walk, and at 16:00 o'clock we will undertake the march. We will descend toward the river Fluviá where we will surprise ourselves beauty of Besalú that suddenly are opened again in the horizon. With the old helmet, the medieval bridge, we will leave aside it now Fluviá, what offers us an exceptional vision of their churches, monasteries and wall. We will follow the course of the river during a long tract, we will cross near Argelaguer, small town of the Garrotxa that will take us for a fried road of forests and fields until Tortellá, approximately to the 18:30 h, and we will go down to the town where we will have dinner later. We will carry out a tourist visit, while we will contemplate the frondage and the charm of the town and the mountain prairies genuinely.


At 09:00 o'clock we will begin the task hard to get up of the bed. The breakfast will comfort us and we will leave. We will move to the stables, and we will greet our partner to leave to the adventure. Now we will begin the route of the trabucaires properly. After crossing the fields and roads of the town, the road becomes strait and the mountain discovers us the narrow steps and the stone walls, in address of enormous. Inside the small passageways, we will cross the river and we will arrive at the restaurant of the camping site to we will eat, in the same base of the throat of Sadernes, highwaymen's trabucaires step.. around 16:00 o'clock we will undertake the one on the way to return. We will arrive around 18:30 o'clock to Tortellá, where we will leave the horses in the stable, and we will move to the town to have dinner.


We receive the last day at 9:00 o'clock. With the contrary feelings, of sadness to finish the trip. We will mount on the horse that for sure we already have wakened up a friendship and we feel so united and we will leave to the adventure. We will carry out some small exercises to stretch and to catch contact in the animal and around 11:00 o'clock we will present ourselves the south address to the Fluviá and to arrive until Beuda and Maià, where we will eat. Around 16:00 o'clock we will already undertake the last itinerary of our day. For him, we will take the route of the rivers. We will go in in the natural park of the Fluviá, where the aquatic birds and the wild nature are plentiful, we will be surprised the plow with its characteristic sound. We will cross the bed of the river Fluviá, the pale, and the river to Be lastly, and we will arrive to Equinatur.










Equestrian route to the Pyrenees. We leave from Equinatur, located in Serinyà, to 3 Km of the lake of Banyoles, fair under the mountain of Mare of Deu of the Mont. First estribación pirenaica.

The pirineos invites us with their stateliness and beauty to go into in them. And we find very simple. To the you come yourself meters of Equinatur, we are amid the first valley, in address to the river to Be.

A thick and centennial forest of oaks, with a low bruc forest and grass, descends for the calcareous rocks that in its numerous cavities to harbor you there for the paleolithic one to the well-known older inhabitants in the peninsula, and that they make of Serinyà a place of the most important as for prehistoric challenges he/she refers.

After 1 Km., we have arrived at the river to Be. A vegetation typically of rivera it accuses us in the thickness of the encinar the course of the river for the contrast of greens that the different vegetación.En produces the measure that we go into in the boulevard, they change the sounds completely. The cicadas, cuckoos, rooks, and wittiness, open the way to the frogs pardales, goldfinches, and the sound of the río.Atravesaremos the river next to an area of bathtubs, and the crystalline water allows us to choose all depth we want to go into. A serpentine ascent ascends us until a field of grasses and silencio.Al end of 200 meters we will have arrived to the one on the way to the Power station of Serinyà. We will take it in address west, have just ascended the turó from the one which, we will sight the whole valley and Serinyà to the bottom.

At this time we will rotate toward the North, and we will begin the descent with a path in constant it struggles with the overgrowth, toward the natural reservation of the Fluvià.

The descent is more and more marked, putting on approval the dexterity of horsemen, amazons and horses. These last ones perfectly adapted to these places that travel to inaccessible diario.Lo of the road it has been worthwhile. We will largely have arrived to a boulevard, and according to the station, flooded by the waters of the river Fluvià where the multitude of rakes accuses the abundant wild life of the area. We will leave the boulevard to follow the course of the river Fluvià, until a point in the one that their mighty bed allows us to cross it.

The feet who he/she wants to avoid to be wet, rising crosses the river, with the gift of the numerous aquatic birds going away, since it is an area of rest of multitude of migratory aquatic birds and other sedentarias.Un extensive hierbazal it camouflages in path that will take us to the north end of the park for the other bank. In the measure that we separate, the grass is shorter, and now, a soft and extensive prairie invites us to gallop.

We begin to go up the other rivera of the Fluviá, we cross the one on the way to Besalú and we go toward Dosquers: Some houses, some farms and some cultivation fields that occupy the high of a small hill. To the few meters we will descend toward he/she Laughed her at Maià, and winding the road, we will arrive until the urbanization of the I Milled of Llorenç.

We will cross the highway of Figueres, and to the bottom we will have Maià of Montcal. A soft ascension to the skirt of the mountain Mare of Deu of the Mont, and of the mount of the Montcal, it takes us to the town of Maià. We will travel the narrow and scarce streets of the town, we will go by their square and church, to stop in one of their restaurants to make the first rest. At this time we take around 90 minutes of it mounts, and the now of rest, with a lunch and some stretching, they will facilitate us enough the rest of the route.

An afternoon bodearemos the Montcal to enter in their skirt in view of the whole valley of the Fluvià, until the sea. We will go into and the forests, and to the beginning of the term of Beuda, we will arrive to But Sanvanera, where we will spend the night


We begin the second day lowering until Maiá of Montcal in address of Lladó. We will leave Maià had franked by one of their streets and to the 200 meters we will be amid the cultivation fields, different orchards, farmhouses and the watering channels of he/she laughed her at Segueró.

To the height of the hermitage of Santa Lluca, we will be a crossing, where we will continue toward the I milled of the Serrea d'en Bosc, we will go up the turó of Ca l'alzina, and we will follow porel path in address this we will cross the small estribación of Serra of the creu, in some small ones and frondodos valleys there is ta to arrive to he/she laughed her at Sant Jaume, we will follow their course, until llegaral Pla of Dog Roure,y next to the lka farmhouse of But Noguer will arrive until Lladó.

In Lladó we will eat, and the two hours of rest they will come us very well to recover the vital tone a little. Now we are about to approach in the afternoon the return to But Salvanera.


Around 9 in the morning we will begin to get ready to attack the second day. A soft walk, a good breakfast, and at 10 o'clock we will prepare our horses, to continue the road until Palera, we will take the paths in descent until arriving at the Medieval town of Besalú. Comenremos in the restaurant, and after a visit to the town, with their characteristic bridge, streets, churches and walls, we will continue our route.

We cross the esplanade of the bridge, among the onlooker look of all the tourists that all the time Besalú visits, and we ascend toward the other flank of the basin. To the few meters, again it accompanies us for the right side the oak forest, and to the left we are opened more and more as we ascend of bench mark, the whole basin of the Fluviá. until the sea. When contemplating this landscape you realize that the green is an indefinite color with thousands of shades.

We will be able to see the whole road traveled to bird view, and we will be surprised to ourselves of all that we have been able to ride. We enter in an asphalted road, and although in fact it is the access for the restaurant where immediately we will eat, we will respect all the safe-deposit norms that we have learned in the initiation chat. In five minutes of going into in the heart of the mountain, we have arrived at the Count Inn. A very deserved meal waits for us. We are amid an impressive frondage, where the forest is shown off impenetrable, except for the abundant wild fauna. Now the whole group is already understood, and with the food it has comforted us. A calm after dinner, a soft walk for the facilities, and again to our adventure partner's loins.

We descend for a small path, franking several cultivation lands and several streams, and after a considerable ascent, we are amid mountains. We reap the road, and suddenly the horizon opens up in The Bruguera, a beautiful property where they raise horses, to go down to the Being's height, to the height of Dog Illa. We cross the river and we will follow the road until Serinyà, where it will culminate an unforgettable day, in the one that will have made sure good friends, we will have discovered some beautiful places and we will have gotten rich sure, also a little ourselves.


  • Trail to Beget
  • Trail to l'Empordà
  • Trail to Sant Pere Pescador
  • Trail to trabucaires







This equestrian trip to Beget is designed to be made during four days. The profile is beginner horseman. Preferably initiate, (Not indispensable) with an approximate age between 13 and 50 years.

The beginning of the route is made from the base in Serinyà, at 10:00h o'clock. A small welcome encounter, during which we will know each other and we will present.

With a coffee, we will make an exhibition of the route, let us equip ourselves, and in function of the profile of the members of the groups in a small chat, it was indicated in the measure of the necessary thing a series of elementary norms of horsemanship and operation of the routes. In this chat, it was also informed of the letter of the food, so that each one chooses the menu and this way, let us already have prepared the food that after the first tract, for sure we will wait for it impatiently.

At 10:45 o'clock one will have the first one taking of contact with the horses. After the previous chat he/she will be carried out a first allotment of the binomials, in the way that is more understood initially.

They will be carried out some small heating stretching, and turns to the "picadero", with the readjustments of horsemen and necessary horses.

We will leave to carry out a small trip to know the ecological place protected by their natural interest of the Pla of Martís, totally flat extension, located scarce 50 meters of our base, from which is appreciated in all their splendor the mountain range pirineica, in which we will go into in brief moments. This small trip will allow us to detect those small problems of adaptation to the mount, or of animals that when going again by the base, we will be able to correct should the need arise.

Approximately at 12:00 o'clock the first properly this tract will begin. We will cross the urban helmet of Serinyà, a small town of 600 inhabitants, with diverse houses of the s. XI, and a church románica of the same century.

We will descend for forests of oaks until the vega of the river to Be. For a road franked by acacias and fruit-bearing as walnuts or manzanos, we will go into in the valley of the river to Be, until the height of Dog Illa. Farmhouse elegant decimonónica, where after crossing it, we will separate the river to Be. We will carry out a small ascension for a path of leafy vegetation, to arrive until The Bruguera, where the horizon opens up again, and he/she teaches us the intense green of the first valleys in the estribaciones of the Pyrenees. We will cross several valleys and diverse farmhouses, until arriving at 13:30 o'clock to Sant Ferriol, in the Restaurant where we will eat. This is a place of a spectacular frondage, where the wild fauna is an almost daily and fleeting visitor of the expedition. At 15:30 o'clock we will begin to stretch the legs a little with a soft walk to I tweeted, and at 16:00 o'clock we will undertake the march. We will descend toward the river Fluvià where we will be surprised beauty of Besalú that suddenly are opened in the horizon. With a helmet urban medieval and characteristic bridge, we will travel him from the other bank of the river Fluvià to a bench mark of twenty meters on the town, what offers us an exceptional vision of their churches, monasteries and walls. We will follow the course of the river during a long tract, crossing on the bays and tiny reservoirs, almost domestic, of the farmhouses and old family industries of the industrial revolution of last century that transport you to another time that you sense when still feeling the scent of the destartaladas companies, formerly moved by the force of the Fluvià.

We will cross Argelaguer, small town of the district and the Garrotxa, we will advance until Sant Jaume of Llierca, and we will descend under the new viaduct until the throat of the impressive rocky flaw on which the first town of the volcanic area of the Garrotxa runs off with: Castellfollit of the Rock. In the base of the rock, to the other side of the river, we will leave the horses in the blocks, to ascend in vehicle to the town, around the 18:30 h.

We will carry out a tourist visit, contemplating, as if of an enormous watchtower is, the whole valley that we have already crossed and we will check the peculiarity of their houses that you/they remind us to well-known hanging cities. with the sure satisfaction of the walked road, we will have dinner in the Hotel Ca Marma around the 20:30 h. For those that the body still requests them more, it is scheduled a visit to the near city of Olot, with a wide leisure offer.


At 09:00 o'clock we will begin the hard task of getting up of the bed. In the case of not being habituated to the practice of the horsemanship is presented like a árdua task. A good breakfast will comfort us and now we will no longer look toward the valley, but to the stateliness with the one that you/we/they are lifted toward the north the mountain range of the properly this Pyrenees to whose feet are.

We will move in vehicle to the stables, and we will greet our partner that stops then it will already unite us much more than a certain one "innkeepers'" "numbness ". We will carry out some small heating stretching, and around 11:30 o'clock we begin the one that to the second adventure day. It is very possible that to contemplate from the beginning of the journey the altitudes that later will attack it will produce us a certain chill. We will choose the menu of the food to have a good thought of what waits for us during the itinerary. We will cross the old highway and for a path among the small orchards of the houses bet on the same one, we will arrive until the banks of he/she laughed her at Castellar. We will have in this bed a first and fleeting contact with the route of the cattle Mesta of the Catalan route of the wool that lapses for the same one, and he/she gives us an idea of the difficulties that our ancestors overcame for the transfer of the flocks. We arrive to Plane Olive and we separate the bed to undertake the first ascension. We will pass of a bench mark 300 to a bench mark 534 in Dog Olive Gineberta and a bench mark 657 next to the Puig Gabarrós. There we will begin a descent until the valley of Oix, where the expression mountain valley is already expressed in uppercase.

We will eat in the restaurant. Now already we are really all a family. Accomplices of an effort that we didn't imagine able to attack to the exit and it is that we are achieving it. We will go for a slight walk for Oix, and at 16:45 o'clock we will commend ourselves to the mountain. We will follow the recently restored hint of long voyage of Beget, by the Coll of Salomó, and for the bench mark 700 will cross the first serralada, to descend to the valley in the bench mark 500. In that moment, we will be in the soul of the mountain, at 4Km. of the frontier with France. Here we will go toward the West, it stops in the municipal term of Beget to arrive around 19:00 o'clock. The hotel of high mountain, built on the structure of the old mountain refuge, where we will lodge. The environment in which is, well deserves a small walk. We will take contact with the guests, the hospedatarios, and we will get ready for the the 20:00 to have dinner.

After the dinner, some activity lúdica will be programmed to celebrate the equator of the itinerary.


Around 9 in the morning, we will get up for sure already better than the previous day. A good breakfast will prepare us for the tomorrow's itinerary.

We will carry out some stretching and we will prepare to continue our route. To our heights understanding with the animal is already almost total.

Now we will begin the descent in south address, to arrive until The Vall of in Bac. It is a valley of a beauty that by itself, it justifies a long trip. The leafy grasslands the farmhouses such an and I eat arisen of the landscape, they make us feel inmersos more than ever on the horse in him. We will have left scent of the grasslands insurance in the memory.

Around 13:30 o'clock we will arrive at the Inn of in Bac, where we will eat.

To the 16:00 h. we will reprehend the march until the end of the throat of the valley, where the hint continues toward Oix. There we will stray to the south and we will attack the ascent that will take us through a vegetable passageway of a virgin forest from which you can appreciate the spectacular one thick of the mantel of leaves that every autumn it covers the floor.

When finishing the passageway one enters a mountainous estribación of little bench mark, at the moment dedicated to the exploitation of bovine livestock (meek milkmaids) in freedom, where in each corner of this estribaciones, we are appeared toward the south the view of the open horizon, from more than 300 m. Of altitude, and toward the north we will sometimes have the perspective of the the Vall of Vianya, and later on the valleys of Sant Joan of them Fonts, The Canya, and lastly Castellfollit of the Rock. From this perspective we will be able to contemplate with clarity the small mounds of the out volcanos that are dispersed for both valleys, with their characteristic craters.

We will arrive around 18:30 o'clock to Castelfollit, we will leave the horses in the stable, and we will move in vehicle until Olot where we will spend the night tonight.

At 20:00 o'clock we will have dinner, it stops later the one that wants it, to carry out a journey lúdico for the city. Possibly some can already act ""as veteran" ", to the book credit been in the first night.


We receive the last day at 9:00 o'clock. In this day they are mixed opposing feelings. A certain sadness because we see finish this adventure, we foresee we will separate those trip partners, and that animal with which we feel at this time so united, at the same time that with a certain impatience to arrive and this way to culminate the adventure. As he/she has already become habit, we will carry out some small exercises of stretching, and around 11:00 o'clock we will go in south address for the Fluvià, to arrive until the crossing of Montagut. There we will cross the old one

highway to the town of Montagut. From there we will go until Tortellà, for a right journey and plain that it allows us to advance with a certain ligereza.Desde Tortellà we will ascend until Salts of Llierca. In Salts, we will begin the descent until Besalú, where we will eat, we will arrive around 13:30 o'clock and we will eat.

As we already find habitual, around 16:00 o'clock we will undertake the last tract of our journey. For it, we will take the route of the rivers. We will go into in the natural park of the Fluvià, in the one which the abundance of aquatic birds and wild nature, are surprised us with their characteristic sound. We will cross the bed of the river first Fluvià feeling how our horse turns off the sound from his helmets when submerging his paws in the water, next we will cross the basin, it stops lastly to cross the river to Be, to the height of But it Gleans that announces us the entrance in Serinyà, and end of our trip. With the satisfaction of culminating the adventure, we will say goodbye with an until soon, in which we will approach new and already more ambitious routes.





The route lapses to horse of L'Empordá it leaves in Serinyà, from the horsy Equinatur. It is recommended to arrive to the facilities in the morning around 10 o'clock. We will carry out the presentations and taking of contact, in which is indicated the basic points of the horsemanship and the safe-deposit recommendations, the most appropriate distribution in the horses according to the profile of the members of the expedition and we equip the mounts it stops around 12 in the noon to begin the route. To few meters of the exit of Equinatur we will go into in the Pla of Martís. I half-close affected by the PEIN by their numerous colony of birds and to be a place of rest of multitude of migratory birds in the spring and autumn. Besides being a privileged scenario to contemplate the mountains of the Pyrenees.

Through the quarter of Martís we will go into in the forests of Centenys, until sighting the Fluviá to more than 100 meters to our feet, with Esponellá, Vilert i Crespià flanking it. Among the intense green of the prairies, the oak forests, oak and mediterranean pine, being alternated in the wavy mount hills under, we will cross numerous farm farmhouses anchored in the time and splendor of their solid stone structures, with very interesting architectural touches that accuse the time and current in which was built each one.

To the 14 h. we will Arrive to Orfes, about 40 inhabitants' small village, where we will enter for the streets that centuries ago were only built for people and chivalries, and for their narrow one and it narrows construction they have not allowed that the modern vehicles the invades. We will have the sensation that awaits us for years he/she stops again to open the way to their authentic pedestrians: the chivalries.

Next, we will leave Orfes for the highway, and to the exit of the town, we will go into again in the forest, to arrive to the height of l'Empordà parets, where we will lower until the ámplias boulevards of the river Fluvià. We will pass next to the hint of careers of horses that sporadically take place in this town and under the bridge of the highway NII, us ririgimos to Calabuig and Sant Died we will Sleep in its castle, where the good pleasure of its decoration will transfer us genuinely to another time.

The second day we will get up, and he/she offers the option of carrying out a cultural visit to Figueres (Museum Dali, etc). we will Follow route toward Fortià, with the sea bottom Mediterranean with a stupendous perspective of the bay of Roses, through cultivation fields, crossing the small towns of Vilacolum and Riumors, where we will eat. According to the time and the level of the horsemen offers the possibility to arrive until Sant pere Fisherman to go for a walk for the beach, and to cross the fields of rice and l'empordá aiguamolls. natural Park of great ecological value.

We will arrive to Fortià, where we will leave the horses and according to the time, we will sleep in ampuriabrava, or we will return again to sleep to Sant I Died. The third day we will go to horse until the aiguamolls. We will pass next to the Estany of Siurana, we will cross characteristic fields of an area of geographical depression that indicate us the proximity of the aiguamolls. We will continue until Garrigàs, Ermedàs, we will pass on the freeway, toward Pontós where we will eat. From here we will move until Ordis, and Navata, where we will sleep in the Hotel Mirona it Toasts. An it pierces idyllic amid the most intense green in the Empurdá and the most modern services in relax, and select service.

The quarter day we will Leave in address Espinavessa, to leave to the one on the way to Crespià, where we will eat, we will go into in the forest to appear again on the River Fluviá, but now in their North side, Descenderem until a leafy chopera, and through the thick herbazal, we will arrive for a camono to the height of Dosquers, where we will go into in the natural reservation of the Fluvià in whose area the abundance of aquatic birds, according to the time, they give us with their flight a majestic show. We will cross the river it stops in a last tract, to arrive to Serinyà, to Equinatur, with the peace of the nature that has impregnated us, has united, made friends and partners, and we only think in when we are for the following route.








Following the course of the River Fluvià, from Serinyà, and through some unique places, we will move in an exciting adventure from the park of the natural reservation of wild fauna of the Fluvià to the park natural of "aigüamolls de l'Empordà , ending in the beaches of Sant Pere Pescador.

The route has a duration of two days, if it is an itinerary, or four days if it is round trip itinerary.

In the case of an itinerary, a stay of one night is made in Sant I Died. In the case of four days, a second stay is made again in one of the establishments of the beach of Sant Pere Pescador, and a third in Sant Mori.

The route is thought for groups from eight to twelve people, with a half level of horsemanship and that it dominates the three airs: step, trot and gallop.

During the route he/she will stay a support team that will take charge of substituting if it was necessary, some of the horses, to transfer the baggages among establishments, etc.

To each client he/she will be given a small dossier the journey to make, with the recommendations and general advice of the route, as well as of the places for those that the itinerary lapses, with an explanation of the flora and fauna of the places of special ecological interest, with the most characteristic buildings in the populations for those that are crossed, and the historical and artistic features that characterize them.

It travels a total distance of 70 and 140 kilometers respectively the routes of two four days, with days of 35 kilometers per day.


The first day you the route begins in Serinyá, in the horsy of Equinatur, around ten in the morning, after the presentations, suitable of the baggages in the support vehicle, and I distribute of the horses and mounts among the different horsemen.

We cross the Pla of Martís in address of the Neighborhood of Martís, until arriving to Orfes, where we will carry out the first rest.

Around twelve o'clock we will recapture the march in address to the river Fluvià that after crossing it several times, we will arrive until l'Empordà Parets, and Báscara to where we will arrive around 13:30 o'clock. Here we will eat in the population's restaurant, we will carry out a visit to the town, of a special beauty and a great tradition and history related with the horses.

Around 16:30 o'clock, we will return with the adventure following the course of the river Fluvià, until arriving to Vilaür, where we will carry out the third stop of rest.

After a half hour of rest, we will attack the last tract of this first day to arrive to Sant I Died, where pernozteremos, in an incomparable environment, sunk in last times, this town conserves the authentic flavor of the medieval town with its castle and elegant houses.


Let us equip our horses, and around 10 in the morning, we will undertake the route in address of Vila-Rubau, and from here until Ventalló and L'Armentera, where we will carry out our first stop. After a desert rest, we will recapture the route, to go toward the masos of Sant Pere Pescador Fisherman, where we will end up around 13:30 o'clock to eat. Already esmamos very near the sea and until we can smell it. Then, in a short walk, we will already be to the height of the beach, where we will be able to complete the day so magnificent with a walk for the same one, to culminate this way a fascinating adventure, in which will have made stupendous friends, and it will cost a lot of power to forget it.


This can be the first day of route, in the event of carrying out it a group different to that of going, or the third day of route for who carries out the route of four days. The exit will be carried out around 10 in the morning like it is already habitual. ACE to weigh of carrying out the route for a very similar itinerary to the actual of coming, as soon as we begin the itinerary we are conscious that for us the perspective is the contrary one and we will almost discover the road as if of the first time is. Now our view is in the stateliness of the Pyrenees, to those that before gave the back.

We will cross the whole sea of fruit-bearing, to arrive until L'Armentera, but in this occasion instead of going toward Ventalló, we will go toward Sant Miquel of Fluvià, where we will end up eating around 13:30 o'clock. after the pertinent visit to the population and their beautiful church, we will undertake road toward Sant I Died, where we will spend the night.


Around 10 in the morning, we will go, under the road of the train, beside the river Fluviá, and after going back he/she laughs up during about 5 kilometers, we will arrive to some small estribaciones that Vilaür will discover us. Here we will rest during about 30 minutes, to follow road in address of Báscara. We will cross the river for their two slopes, until arriving next to the restaurant to eat around 13:30 o'clock. we will Continue our route around 16:00h o'clock going back and crossing the river through their bed, until arriving to Orfes, where we will carry out the last stop around the 17:00 h. AT 17:30 o'clock we will continue our last stage, to arrive to Equinatur around 19:00 o'clock, with the satisfaction of culminating an unique adventure and the sadness that he/she already finishes. Awaiting the following one.







This route lapses in the area that was occupied by highwaymen dedicated to assault the travelers of the roads along the XVIII and XIX centuries. Then they were smugglers' steps, and in them them multitude of legends and legendary characters hide.

The route that is characterized by the steps among the mountains. It begins in Equinatur, in Serinyá, very near the lake of Banyoles. Around 11 o'clock, we will begin to know ourselves, to distribute the horses to each person, to equip the mounts and we will carry out a small practice in the picadero.

Around 12 o'clock, we will leave in address of Besalú. The day begins in Serinyà, going by encinares, in the address of the low vega of the rivers Serinyadell, to Be and Fluvià, in four kilometers.

We will be able to observe the characteristic vegetation of mediterranean forest in that the oaks, the pines and some fig, he/she goes becoming the measure we descend toward the bed of the first river, to the characteristic vegetation of the humid riversides. The heaths and the excessive growth of the bramble, they maintain a constant pressure to the roads. After to frank the Serinyadell and to cross the Being, beside the natural pool (very useful in the summer time), we ascend. In this area, the small orchards and the centennial oaks, he/she offers us to the perspective of the valley of the Being worthy of you lost not TO a hundred meters in the route he/she goes into again in the forest. We begin a the succession of descents, until arriving at the natural park of the Fluviá. Trees plataneros where the rake of the wild animals is evident: The earth removed by the jabalís, the enormous nests of the eagles in the trees, the road opened up in the high and virgin grass, and in the colonies of ferns, they accuse the habitual step of their wild inhabitants.

We cross the extensive forests, the humedales, until arriving to the Fluvià. Here the river offers an aspect of respect. With a depth half meter, it lapses approximately with to the width fifty meters. To our step, the numerous colony of ducks of green neck, gulls and great variety of waders, they break the serenity of the moment inside this protected space, and they give us a coloring image when lifting the flight to move away from us.

We begin to leave the park, in a very soft ascension until arriving to the hint, an agricultural road, franked by the fields of the cultivation and farms. To the few minutes, we are presented in the horizon Besalú. The road is easy here., when maintaining an open horizon. We appreciate the sensation of the calm. We arrive to Besalú, and after an ascension, we discover their medieval bridge, their walls and buildings. If removes us the vehicles, it would not seem to be in the medieval age. We cross the esplanade of the bridge, among the look of all the tourists that every day Besalú visits, and we ascend toward the other side of the valley. Again to the few meters, we go into in the forest of the oak, and to the left, as we ascend of bench mark, the whole valley of the Fluviá is shown magnificent until its outlet in the near Mediterranean.. When contemplating this landscape you understand that the green is an indefinite color with thousands of shades.

We will cross several valleys and diverse farms, until arriving at 13:30 o'clock to Sant Ferriol, where we will eat. It is a place of a spectacular frondage where the wild fauna almost daily a fleeting visitor of the expedition.

At 15:30 o'clock we will begin to stretch the legs on foot with a small soft walk, and at 16:00 o'clock we will undertake the marcha.Descenderemos toward the river Fluviá where we will surprise ourselves beauty of Besalú that suddenly are opened again in the horizon. With the old helmet, the medieval bridge, we will leave aside it now Fluviá, what offers us an exceptional vision of their churches, monasteries and wall.

We will follow the course of the river during a long tract, crossing the bed and the small reservoirs, almost domestic, of the farms and old family industries of the industrial revolution of XIX century that it transports us at other times, when still feeling the scent of you manufacture them destartaladas, moved in the past by the force of the Fluviá.

We will cross near Argelaguer, small town of the Garrotxa that will take us for a fried road of forests and fields until Tortellá, approximately to the 18:30 h, and we will go down to the town where we will take the cena.Llevaremos to end an it visits tourist, while we will contemplate the frondage and the charm of the town and the mountain prairies genuinely.


At 09:00 o'clock we will begin the task hard to get up of the bed. The breakfast will comfort us and we will leave.

We will move to the stables, and we will greet our partner to leave to the adventure.

Now we will begin the route of the trabucaires properly. After crossing the fields and roads of the town, the road becomes strait and the mountain discovers us the narrow steps and the enormous stone walls. Inside the small passageways, we ascend until arriving to Sadernes. Possibly the principle of the day to these altitudes produces us to certain cold.

We will eat in the restaurant, and we will go for a walk. At 16:45 o'clock we will commend ourselves to the mountain. We will follow the recently restored insinuation of trip, it marks 700 we will cross the mountains, and we will descend to the valley in the bank where it marks 500. In that moment, we will be in the soul of the mountain, at 4Km. of the frontier with France.

Here we will go toward the West, to arrive around 19:00 o'clock. In a hotel of the high mountain, built as refuge mountains it is where we will lodge. The atmosphere well deserves to the walk. We will take the contact with the companies, the guests, and we will get ready to take the dinner around 20:00 o'clock.. after the dinner, some activities lúdicas will be programmed, since we will be in the equator of the itinerary.


Around 9:00 in the morning we will have breakfast and we will get ready to follow our adventure.

Now we will begin the descent in the south address. The beauty of the valley already justified us the reason of the long trip. Around 13:30 o'clock we will arrive at the Inn where we will eat.

To the 16:00 h. we will reprehend the march until the end of the throat of the valley where the insinuation directs us to Sadernes. There we will stray to the south and atacaremosla ascension that it will take us to a passageway where the leaves seem a carpet that covers the whole floor.

Finished the passageway enters to the mountainous estribación of mark, to the servant dedicated until to the moment to the exploitation of bovine livestock (the meek milkmaids) where in each corner of these estribaciones of the plows they appear toward the south the view of the open horizon.

We will arrive around 18:30 o'clock to Tortellá, where we will leave the horses in the stable, and we will move to the town to take the dinner

At 20:00 o'clock we will take the dinner, and when finishing the one that prefers it he/she will be able to go for to end a walk for the town.


We receive the last day at 9:00 o'clock. With the contrary feelings, of sadness to finish the trip and of happiness to return home will face to the I finish day. We will mount on the horse that for sure we already have wakened up a friendship and we feel so united and we will leave to the adventure.

We will carry out some small exercises to stretch and to catch contact in the animal and around 11:00 o'clock we will present ourselves the south address to the Fluviá and to arrive until the crossing of Arguelaguer. There, we will begin the descent toward Besalú where we will eat.

Around 16:00 o'clock we will already undertake the last itinerary of our day. For him, we will take the route of the rivers. We will go in in the natural park of the Fluviá, where the aquatic birds and the wild nature are plentiful, we will be surprised the plow with its characteristic sound.

We will cross the bed of the river Fluviá, the pale, and the river to Be lastly, and we will arrive to Equinatur.

  • Ruta de Roses






Ruta ecuestre desde los Pirineos. Partimos desde Equinatur, situada en Serinyà, a 3 Km del lago de Banyoles, justo bajo la montaña de Mare de Deu del Mont. Primera estribación pirenaica.

Los pirineos nos invitan con su majestuosidad y belleza a adentrarnos en ellos. Y nos resulta muy sencillo. A los veinte metros de Equinatur, nos encontramos en medio del primer valle, en dirección al río Ser.

Un espeso y centenario bosque de encinas, con un bajo bosque de bruc e hierba, desciende por las rocas calcáreas, que en sus numerosas cavidades albergaros allá por el paleolítico a los habitantes más antiguos conocidos en la península, y que hacen de Serinyà un lugar de los más importantes en cuanto a retos prehistóricos se refiere.

Al cabo de 1 Km., hemos llegado al río Ser. Una vegetación típicamente de rivera nos delata en la espesura del encinar el curso del río por el contraste de verdes que produce la diferente vegetación.En la medida que nos adentramos en la alameda, cambian por completo los sonidos. Las chicharras, cucos, grajos, y gracejos, dan paso a las ranas pardales, jilgueros, y el sonido del río.Atravesaremos el río junto a una zona de bañeras, y el agua cristalina nos permite elegir a cuanta profundidad nos queremos adentrar. Una subida sinuosa nos asciende hasta un campo de pastos y silencio.Al cabo de 200 metros habremos llegado al camino de la Central de Serinyà. Lo tomaremos en dirección oeste, para acabar de ascender el turó desde el cual, divisaremos todo el valle y Serinyà al fondo.

En este momento giraremos hacia el Norte, y comenzaremos el descenso por un sendero en constante pugna con la maleza, hacia la reserva natural del Fluvià.

El descenso resulta cada vez más pronunciado. Los caballos perfectamente adaptados a estos parajes que recorren a diario. Lo inaccesible del camino ha valido la pena. Habremos llegado a una alameda en gran parte, y según la estación, inundada por las aguas del río Fluvià, en donde la multitud de rastros delatan la abundante vida salvaje de la zona. Saldremos de la alameda para seguir el curso del río Fluvià, hasta un punto en el que su cauce nos permite atravesarlo

Atravesamos el río, con el regalo de las numerosas aves acuáticas alejándose, ya que es una zona de descanso de multitud de aves acuáticas migratorias y otras sedentarias.Un extenso hierbazal camufla en sendero que por la otra orilla nos llevará al extremo norte del parque. En la medida que nos separamos, la hierba es más corta, y ahora, una suave y extensa pradera nos invita a galopar.

Comenzamos a subir la otra rivera del Fluviá, cruzamos el camino de Besalú y nos dirigimos hacia Dosquers: Unas casas, unas granjas y unos campos de cultivo, que ocupan lo alto de un pequeño cerro. A los pocos metros descenderemos hacia la Riera de Maià, y serpenteando el camino, llegaremos hasta la urbanización del Molí de Llorenç.

Cruzaremos la carretera de Figueres, y al fondo tendremos Maià de Montcal. Una suave ascensión a la falda de la montaña Mare de Deu del Mont, nos lleva hasta el pueblo de Maià. Es nuestra primera parada. Recorreremos las angostas y escasas calles del pueblo, pasaremos por su plaza e iglesia, para parar en uno de sus restaurantes para hacer el primer descanso. Aquí comeremos para recuperar fuerzas.

Acometemos la segunda etapa en dirección de Lladó. Saldremos de Maià por franqueados por una de sus calles y a los 200 metros estaremos en medio de los campos de cultivo, diferentes huertos, masías y los canales de riego de la riera de Segueró.

A la altura de la ermita de Santa Lluca, nos encontraremos un cruce, donde seguiremos hacia el molí de la Serrea d'en Bosc, subiremos el turó de Ca l'alzina, y seguiremos porel sendero en dirección este atravesaremos la pequeña estribación de Serra de la creu, en unos pequeños y frondodos valles has ta llegar a la riera de Sant Jaume, seguiremos su curso, hasta llegaral Pla de Can Roure, y junto a la la masía de Mas Noguer llegaremos hasta Lladó.

Atenderemos nuestros caballos y los acomodaremos. Nos recogerán para desplazarnos hasta el hotel.


Hoy la ruta nos llevará a través de Llers hacia la depresión del empordá, entre los rios Muga, Llobregat y los diferentes canales provinientes del pantano de Boadella.Bordearemos la sierra del Coll de Jou, hasta Can Genover. A partir de aquí comenzammos a descender hacia los planos de Can Genober hasta llegar a Sant Quirze d'Omells, atravesaremos amplios campos de cultivo y olivares hasta llegar al pueblo de Llers. Pueblo lleno de fabulas e historias de brujerías. Aquí comeremos, y a la terde saldremos en dirección de Pont de Molins, y tomar el Rio Muga para a travesar junto a su cauce la autopista A7. A través de les masíes de Dalt llegaremos hasta el pueblo de Cabanes. Amplios campos y un verde intenso nos acompañarán hasta el pueblo medieval de Perelada, famoso por su castillo, su cava y el casino instalado en el interior de dicho castillo.


Hoy nos dirigiremos hacia el Mar. Hemos dejado atrás las etapas de montaña, y seguiremos los caminos de bajo bosque, campos de cultivo, y ríos más caudalosos, para llegar entre el verde intenso de las praderas, los bosques de encina, roble y pino mediterráneo, alternándose en las onduladas lomas de monte bajo, atravesaremos numerosas masías de labranza ancladas en el tiempo y esplendor de sus sólidas estructuras de piedra, con toques arquitectónicos muy interesantes, que delatan la época y corriente en la que fue construidas cada una.

aldremos de Perelada y siguiendo el curso el canal Gros, pasaremos junta a Vall gornera, atravesaremos bajo la carretera N-260 y seguiremos hasta Can Serra, donde dejaremos el curso del canal, en dirección del Estanyol, ya dentro del parque Natural dels Aiguamolls.Desde Estanyol, nos dirigiremos hacia Mot Major, y poco antes de llegar a esta masía, nos volvemoa a encontrar con el curso del canal MajorA través del estanys d'en Duran, llegaremos hasta Castelló d'Empuries,deonde comeremos, y nos sorprenderá el explendor de su catedral. Atravesaremos hacia Castelló Nou, y nos adentraremos en amplios campos de cultivo bordeados por canales, hacia Mas d'en Sabater, y a través del pl d'en Molí, llegaremos a Fortià, donde pernoztarán nuestros caballos.


Iremos a caballo hasta los aiguamolls de L'Empordà, hasta las Meleses de Vilamacolum. Des aquí a través de La Bomba. Iremos hasta los aiguamolls. Pasaremos junto al Estany de Siurana, atravesaremos campos característicos de una zona de depresión geográfica que nos indican la cercanía de los aiguamolls. Seguiremos hasta Garrigàs, Ermedàs, pasaremos sobre la autopista, hacia Pontós donde comeremos.

Despues de comer, tomaremo dirección de El Castell, el hostal d'els Homs i renyina, para llegar a la orilla del río Fluvià. Seguremos su curso hasta llegar a la darsena de Orfes, donde lo atravesaremos. Llegaremoa a Orfes, donde dejaremos los caballos en nuestra última noche en ruta. Nos desplazaremos hasta el hotel, para reponer fuerzas de dcara a la última jornada de viaje.


Hoy el dia es el más suave de toda la ruta. Saldremos de Orfes, y nos adentraremos en el monte, en suaves subidas y descensos a las pequeñas colinas, hasta llegar a Esponellà. En Esponellà comeremos, y despues ya simplemente acometeremos el último tramo hasta Serinyá. Ahora ya somos todos un grupo de amigos y solamente podemos aliviar la tristeza del final de nuestra aventura pensando en cual será nuestra siguiente ruta.







Equestrian route from the Pyrenees. We start from Equinatur, located in Serinyà, 3 km from the lake of Banyoles, just below the mountain of Mare de Deu del Mont. First Pyrenean foothill.

The Pyrenees invite us with their majesty and beauty to enter them. And it is very simple for us. Twenty meters from Equinatur, we are in the middle of the first valley, in the direction of the Ser River.

A thick and centenary forest of holm oaks, with a low forest of bruc and grass, descends through the calcareous rocks, which in its numerous cavities sheltered back in the Palaeolithic the oldest known inhabitants of the peninsula, and which make Serinyà one of the most important places in terms of prehistoric challenges.

After 1 km, we have reached the Ser River. A typical riverside vegetation gives us away in the thickness of the holm oak forest the course of the river due to the contrast of greens produced by the different vegetation. As we enter the avenue, the sounds change completely. The cicadas, cuckoos, rooks, and gracejos, give way to brown frogs, goldfinches, and the sound of the river. We will cross the river next to an area of bathtubs, and the crystal clear water allows us to choose how deep we want to go. A winding climb takes us up to a field of pastures and silence. After 200 meters we will have reached the path of the Serinyà Power Plant. We will take it in a westerly direction, to finish ascending the turó from which we will see the entire valley and Serinyà in the background.

At this point we will turn north, and begin the descent along a path in constant struggle with the undergrowth, towards the Fluvià nature reserve.

The decline is becoming more and more pronounced. The horses are perfectly adapted to these places that they travel daily. The inaccessibility of the road has been worth it. We will have arrived at a large avenue, and depending on the season, flooded by the waters of the Fluvià river, where the multitude of tracks betray the abundant wildlife of the area. We will leave the Alameda to follow the course of the Fluvià River, to a point where its course allows us to cross it

We cross the river, with the gift of the numerous waterfowl moving away, as it is a resting area for a multitude of migratory and other sedentary waterfowl. An extensive grassy area camouflages a path that on the other bank will take us to the northern end of the park. As we separate, the grass is shorter, and now, a soft and extensive meadow invites us to gallop.

We begin to climb the other bank of the Fluviá, cross the Besalú road and head towards Dosquers: Some houses, some farms and some crop fields, which occupy the top of a small hill. After a few meters we will descend towards the Riera de Maià, and winding the path, we will reach the urbanization of Molí de Llorenç.

We will cross the road to Figueres, and at the end we will have Maià de Montcal. A gentle ascent to the slopes of the Mare de Deu del Mont mountain takes us to the village of Maià. It is our first stop. We will walk through the narrow and scarce streets of the town, we will pass through its square and church, to stop at one of its restaurants to make the first rest. Here we will eat to regain strength.

We are undertaking the second stage in the direction of Lladó. We will leave Maià by crossing one of its streets and after 200 meters we will be in the middle of the crop fields, different orchards, farmhouses and the irrigation canals of the Segueró stream.

At the height of the hermitage of Santa Lluca, we will find a crossroads, where we will continue towards the mill of the Serrea d'en Bosc, we will climb the turó de Ca l'alzina, and we will continue along the path in an easterly direction we will cross the small foothill of Serra de la creu, in some small and leafy valleys until we reach the stream of Sant Jaume, we will follow its course, until we reach the Pla de Can Roure, and next to the farmhouse of Mas Noguer we will reach Lladó.

We will tend to our horses and accommodate them. We will be picked up to go to the hotel.


Today the route will take us through Llers towards the depression of the Empordà, between the rivers Muga, Llobregat and the different channels coming from the Boadella reservoir. We will skirt the Coll de Jou mountain range, to Can Genover. From here we begin to descend towards the plains of Can Genober until we reach Sant Quirze d'Omells, we will cross large fields of crops and olive groves until we reach the town of Llers. A town full of fables and stories of witchcraft. Here we will eat, and at the end we will leave in the direction of Pont de Molins, and take the Muga River to cross the A7 motorway along its bed. Through the masíes de Dalt we will reach the village of Cabanes. Wide fields and intense green will accompany us to the medieval village of Perelada, famous for its castle, its cellar and the casino installed inside the castle.


Today we will head towards the Sea. We have left behind the mountain stages, and we will follow the paths of low forest, crop fields, and more plentiful rivers, to arrive among the intense green of the meadows, the forests of holm oak, oak and Mediterranean pine, alternating in the undulating hills of scrubland, we will cross numerous farmhouses anchored in time and splendor of their solid stone structures, with very interesting architectural touches, which reveal the era and current in which each one was built.

we will leave Perelada and following the course of the Gros canal, we will pass together with Vall Gornera, we will cross under the N-260 road and continue to Can Serra, where we will leave the course of the canal, in the direction of Estanyol, already within the Aiguamolls Natural Park.From Estanyol, we will head towards Mot Major, and shortly before reaching this farmhouse, We will meet again with the course of the Canal MajorThrough the estanys d'en Duran, we will reach Castelló d'Empúries, where we will eat, and we will be surprised by the splendor of its cathedral. We will cross towards Castelló Nou, and we will enter large fields bordered by canals, towards Mas d'en Sabater, and through the pl d'en Molí, we will arrive at Fortià, where our horses will stay.


We will go on horseback to the aiguamolls of L'Empordà, to the Meleses of Vilamacolum. From here through La Bomba. We will go to the aiguamolls. We will pass by the Estany de Siurana, we will cross characteristic fields of an area of geographical depression that indicate the proximity of the aiguamolls. We will continue to Garrigàs, Ermedàs, we will pass over the motorway, towards Pontós where we will have lunch.

After lunch, we will head towards El Castell, the hostel d'els Homs i renyina, to reach the bank of the river Fluvià. We will follow its course until we reach the Orfes basin, where we will cross it. We will arrive at Orfes, where we will leave the horses on our last night on the road. We will go to the hotel, to regain strength for the last day of travel


Today the day is the softest of the entire route. We will leave Orfes, and we will enter the mountain, in gentle ascents and descents to the small hills, until we reach Esponellà. In Esponellà we will have lunch, and then we will simply undertake the last stretch to Serinyá. Now we are all a group of friends and we can only alleviate the sadness of the end of our adventure by thinking about what our next route will be.






Equestrian route from the Pyrenees. We start from Equinatur, located in Serinyà, 3 km from the lake of Banyoles, just below the mountain of Mare de Deu del Mont. First Pyrenean foothill.

The Pyrenees invite us with their majesty and beauty to enter them. And it is very simple for us. Twenty meters from Equinatur, we find ourselves in the middle of the first valley, in the direction of the Ser.

A thick and centenary forest of holm oaks, with a low forest of bruc and grass, descends through the calcareous rocks, which in its numerous cavities sheltered back in the Palaeolithic the oldest known inhabitants of the peninsula, and which make Serinyà one of the most important places in terms of prehistoric challenges.

After 1 km, we have reached the Ser River. A typical riverside vegetation gives us away in the thickness of the holm oak forest the course of the river due to the contrast of greens produced by the different vegetation. As we enter the avenue, the sounds change completely. The cicadas, cuckoos, rooks, and gracejos, give way to brown frogs, goldfinches, and the sound of the river. We will cross the river next to an area of bathtubs, and the crystal clear water allows us to choose how deep we want to go. A winding climb takes us up to a field of pastures and silence. After 200 meters we will have reached the path of the Serinyà Power Plant. We will take it in a westerly direction, to finish ascending the turó from which we will see the entire valley and Serinyà in the background.

At this point we will turn north, and begin the descent along a path in constant struggle with the undergrowth, towards the Fluvià nature reserve.

The decline is becoming more and more pronounced. The horses are perfectly adapted to these places that they travel daily. The inaccessibility of the road has been worth it. We will have arrived at a large avenue, and depending on the season, flooded by the waters of the Fluvià river, where the multitude of tracks betray the abundant wildlife of the area. We will leave the Alameda to follow the course of the Fluvià River, to a point where its course allows us to cross it

We cross the river, with the gift of the numerous waterfowl moving away, as it is a resting area for a multitude of migratory and other sedentary waterfowl. An extensive grassy area camouflages a path that on the other bank will take us to the northern end of the park. As we separate, the grass is shorter, and now, a soft and extensive meadow invites us to gallop.

We begin to climb the other bank of the Fluviá, cross the Besalú road and head towards Dosquers: Some houses, some farms and some crop fields, which occupy the top of a small hill. After a few meters we will descend towards the Riera de Maià, and winding the path, we will reach the urbanization of Molí de Llorenç.

We will cross the road to Figueres, and at the end we will have Maià de Montcal. A gentle ascent to the slopes of the Mare de Deu del Mont mountain takes us to the village of Maià. It is our first stop. We will walk through the narrow and scarce streets of the town, we will pass through its square and church, to stop at one of its restaurants to make the first rest. Here we will eat to regain strength.

We are undertaking the second stage in the direction of Lladó. We will leave Maià by crossing one of its streets and after 200 meters we will be in the middle of the crop fields, different orchards, farmhouses and the irrigation canals of the Segueró stream.

At the height of the hermitage of Santa Lluca, we will find a crossroads, where we will continue towards the mill of the Serrea d'en Bosc, we will climb the turó de Ca l'alzina, and we will continue along the path in an easterly direction we will cross the small foothill of Serra de la creu, in some small and leafy valleys until we reach the stream of Sant Jaume, we will follow its course, until we reach the Pla de Can Roure, and next to the farmhouse of Mas Noguer we will reach Lladó.

We will tend to our horses and accommodate them. We will be picked up to go to the hotel.


Today the route will take us through Llers towards the depression of the Empordà, between the rivers Muga, Llobregat and the different channels coming from the Boadella reservoir. We will skirt the Coll de Jou mountain range, to Can Genover. From here we begin to descend towards the plains of Can Genober until we reach Sant Quirze d'Omells, we will cross large fields of crops and olive groves until we reach the town of Llers. A town full of fables and stories of witchcraft. Here we will eat, and at the end we will leave in the direction of Pont de Molins, and take the Muga River to cross the A7 motorway along its bed. Through the masíes de Dalt we will reach the village of Cabanes. Wide fields and intense green will accompany us to the medieval village of Perelada, famous for its castle, its cellar and the casino installed inside the castle.


Today we will head towards the Sea. We have left behind the mountain stages, and we will follow the paths of low forest, crop fields, and more plentiful rivers, to arrive among the intense green of the meadows, the forests of holm oak, oak and Mediterranean pine, alternating in the undulating hills of scrubland, we will cross numerous farmhouses anchored in time and splendor of their solid stone structures, with very interesting architectural touches, which reveal the era and current in which each one was built.

We will arrive at Perelada and following the course of the Gros channel, we will pass together with Vall Gornera, we will cross under the N-260 road and continue to Can Serra, where we will leave the course of the canal, in the direction of Estanyol, already within the Aiguamolls Natural Park.From Estanyol, we will head towards Mot Major, and shortly before reaching this farmhouse, We will meet again with the course of the Canal MajorThrough the estanys d'en Duran, we will reach Castelló d'Empúries, where we will eat, and we will be surprised by the splendor of its cathedral. We will cross towards Castelló Nou, and we will enter large fields bordered by canals, and through the pl d'en Molí, we will arrive at Fortià, where our horses will stay.


We will leave for the Pla de Fortià and through the paths that border its meadows and crop fields we will reach the urbanization of



We will go on horseback to the aiguamolls of L'Empordà, to the Meleses of Vilamacolum. From here through La Bomba. We will go to the aiguamolls. We will pass by the Estany de Siurana, we will cross characteristic fields of an area of geographical depression that indicate the proximity of the aiguamolls. We will continue to Garrigàs, Ermedàs, we will pass over the motorway, towards Pontós where we will have lunch.

After lunch, we will head towards El Castell, the hostel d'els Homs i renyina, to reach the bank of the river Fluvià. We will follow its course until we reach the Orfes basin, where we will cross it. We will arrive at Orfes, where we will leave the horses on our last night on the road. We will go to the hotel, to regain strength for the last day of travel


Today the day is the softest of the entire route. We will leave Orfes, and we will enter the mountain, in gentle ascents and descents to the small hills, until we reach Esponellà. In Esponellà we will have lunch, and then we will simply undertake the last stretch to Serinyá. Now we are all a group of friends and we can only alleviate the sadness of the end of our adventure by thinking about what our next route will be. .




Pyrinees trip







Equestrian trip to the Pyrenees. We leave from Equinatur, located in Serinyà, to 3 Km of the lake of Banyoles, fair under the mountain of Mare of Deu of the Mont. First estribación pirenaica.

The pirineos invites us with their stateliness and beauty to go into in them. And we find very simple. To the you come yourself meters of Equinatur, we are amid the first valley, in address to the river to Be.

A thick and centennial forest of oaks, with a low bruc forest and grass, descends for the calcareous rocks that in its numerous cavities to harbor you there for the paleolithic one to the well-known older inhabitants in the peninsula, and that they make of Serinyà a place of the most important as for prehistoric challenges he/she refers.

After 1 Km., we have arrived at the river to Be. A vegetation typically of rivera it accuses us in the thickness of the encinar the course of the river for the contrast of greens that the different vegetación.En produces the measure that we go into in the boulevard, they change the sounds completely. The cicadas, cuckoos, rooks, and wittiness, open the way to the frogs pardales, goldfinches, and the sound of the río.Atravesaremos the river next to an area of bathtubs, and the crystalline water allows us to choose all depth we want to go into. A serpentine ascent ascends us until a field of grasses and silencio.Al end of 200 meters we will have arrived to the one on the way to the Power station of Serinyà. We will take it in address west, have just ascended the turó from the one which, we will sight the whole valley and Serinyà to the bottom.

At this time we will rotate toward the North, and we will begin the descent with a path in constant it struggles with the overgrowth, toward the natural reservation of the Fluvià.

The descent is more and more marked, putting on approval the dexterity of horsemen, amazons and horses. These last ones perfectly adapted to these places that travel to inaccessible diario.Lo of the road it has been worthwhile. We will largely have arrived to a boulevard, and according to the station, flooded by the waters of the river Fluvià where the multitude of rakes accuses the abundant wild life of the area. We will leave the boulevard to follow the course of the river Fluvià, until a point in the one that their mighty bed allows us to cross it.

The feet who he/she wants to avoid to be wet, rising crosses the river, with the gift of the numerous aquatic birds going away, since it is an area of rest of multitude of migratory aquatic birds and other sedentarias.Un extensive hierbazal it camouflages in path that will take us to the north end of the park for the other bank. In the measure that we separate, the grass is shorter, and now, a soft and extensive prairie invites us to gallop.

We begin to go up the other rivera of the Fluviá, we cross the one on the way to Besalú and we go toward Dosquers: Some houses, some farms and some cultivation fields that occupy the high of a small hill. To the few meters we will descend toward he/she Laughed her at Maià, and winding the road, we will arrive until the urbanization of the I Milled of Llorenç.

We will cross the highway of Figueres, and to the bottom we will have Maià of Montcal. A soft ascension to the skirt of the mountain Mare of Deu of the Mont, takes us to the town of Maià. It is our first stop. We will travel the narrow and scarce streets of the town, we will go by their square and church, to stop in one of their restaurants to make the first rest. At this time we take around 90 minutes of it mounts, and the now of rest, with a lunch and some stretching, they will facilitate us enough the rest of the route.

We attack the second stage in address of Lladó. We will leave Maià had franked by one of their streets and to the 200 meters we will be amid the cultivation fields, different orchards, farmhouses and the watering channels of he/she laughed her at Segueró.

To the height of the hermitage of Santa Lluca, we will be a crossing, where we will continue toward the I milled of the Serrea d'en Bosc, we will go up the turó of Ca l'alzina, and we will follow porel path in address this we will cross the small estribación of Serra of the creu, in some small ones and frondodos valleys there is ta to arrive to he/she laughed her at Sant Jaume, we will follow their course, until llegaral Pla of Dog Roure,y next to the lka farmhouse of But Noguer will arrive until Lladó.

In Lladó we will eat, and the two hours of rest they will come us very well to recover the vital tone a little. Now we are about to approach the last stage until Cistella.

Starting from this moment we will continue for the first time during the whole afternoon a RG, concretely the RG2 that are paths of long journey. This itinerary is basically flat in a great part wrapped in forests and cultivation fields, where the road invites us to jog in a good part of the journey, we will cross the he/she laughed at Bac of the Room, and in an hour and a half of route, we will be next to Cistella, in Mare of Deu of the vila. We will skirt the estribaciones of it saws it d'en Clotes, and after crossing the he/she Laughed at Codina, we will begin a slight ascension through Dog Lluis until Vilarig. A very old fortification reminds us the important of this point like defensive place in which there are already perseverances of battles in times of the Romans.

We continue the RG2 and after crossing the he/she laughed of But Camps, with a small ascent, we head at the end of our first day of journey: Terrades. To the height of he/she laughed her at the Seguillar, we will leave us momentarily the RG2 to avoid the asphalt, and we will arrive to Terrades through But Bruguer.

Around 8 in the afternoon we will already be willing to make comfortable and to get ready for the dinner. After the shower, a slight walk, finds us of the most tonic thing. Santa Magdalena's mountains and the Serra dels Avalls, announces us that tomorrow we begin an ascension serious mña to the pirineos.


Around 8 in the morning we will begin to get ready to attack the second day. A soft walk, a good breakfast, and at 9 o'clock we will prepare our horses, to continue the course of the RG2 through the Coll of the Salut in address of l'Empordà Boadella. TO the height of But Perxes, we will stray again of the RG2 to come closer for the first time to the swamp of Boadella, in this case to the height of the prey. In the I Swept of the pantà, we will eat next to the swamp and we will make two hours of rest to recover the forces a little and to avoid us the hours of more heat. We will follow the hint of the pantà in address of the Pla of the Farm, and we will surround the coll of Rocamalera to arrive to Darnius for an easy road and I brandish that invites us to carry out some gallop tracts. We will pass the l'Hostipal Coll, and we will be presented in the horizon the town of Darnius.Despues of to travel the small town of Darnius and to visit their square major and their church, we will go down to treavés of a wide road, flanked by different tourist establishments, until the bank of the swamp. For the road that skirts one of the tips that has the swamp, we will go contemplating from different perspectives the marvel of contrasts that he/she offers us the swamp and the mountains that frank it. Around 8 in the afternoon, we will have arrived at the hotel where we will rest of this second day of adventure. He/she offers us different alternative, so much the establishment, like as the idyllic environment on he/she laughed her d'Ardenya The silence in this area it is they only rotate for the sound of the crystalline water that lowers for a stony channel and conru abundant quantity of trouts. This second day he/she has had a relatively simpler route that the first one, but he/she will have come us well, because the fatigue is gone accumulating. We will settle down comfortably in the hotel, since next day we will continue housed in this same hotel.


Between the eight and nine in the morning we become to he/she prepares and to have breakfast stops around nine o'clock, to recapture our adventure. Now we will begin an ascension until finding the RG11. Today the landscape changes highly for a landscape high mountain. The marked ascents and the superior bench marks to the 400 meters in comparison to the 200 on those that have moved up to now, will put on approval the good form physics of the horses.

Once in the RG11, we will take the address of Maçanet of Cabrenys. We will descend toward But d'Avall, and from the valley, we will skirt the Watch's Puig, and from here we will arrive Maçanet of Cabrenys. A small rest and it visits Maçanet of Cabrenys, to continue route until The Vajol, where we will eat.

We will carry out a walk for the streets of The Vajol, their mines, and we will continue again in route to the end of two hours toward the swamp. Now we will leave the RG11 and we will follow south address for Dog Martí, we will descend to the valley of the Puig of the Portell toward But Puig of Caneres, where we will be one of the multiple dolmens that there is in this area.

We will skirt the Watch's Puig, and we will cross the highway from Darnius to Maçanet of Cabrenys to arrive through Sant Esteve of the Llop until the one on the way to the power station and alrededosr of seven in the afternoon to the hotel again.


Today we will approach the flank This of the swamp that is the one that we have left to "conquer", fair in the moment in that the road arrives on the swamp, we will rotate in South address, and we will go skirting during a good tract the water, until the road strays toward Dog Vilanova and next But Cellers. Until here the road is easy and flat, for what we advance quickly, with tracts to trot and gallop. Now the road becomes a path with a certain inclination that crosses the small system of the Solana of Riambau. We will leave these mountains to the height of Dog Gener, in the Southwest end of the swamp, where it contributes their waters the most important river in the swamp: The Muga. We will follow the course the Muga, until arriving to Sant Llorenç of the Muga, where we will eat. This tract has been easy and relatively quick, but we are about to attack one of the tracts more hard of tora the adventure. Now we will attack bench marks of 400 and 500 meters of altitude in little space of time, and we cannot be delayed, because we will have the fair time to arrive to our destination in Lladó, since the rhythm of the horses cannot accelerate due to the marked slopes. Around three thirty of the afternoon, we will begin to ascend toward the Rock of the Penya, to 500 meters of altitude Now are amid the mountain, where the altitude and the silence of the mountain produce us a startling sensation. The path is transformed again into road, and franking the Coll of the Olivero, we will arrive to the Palomeras. From here we will descend to cross the he/she Laughed at Vilarig, and once crossed, to attack the Peeled Serra, to 411 meters of altitude, to arrive until But Lambri. From this farmhouse we will descend to he/she laughed her at Vilagilar, from where we will cross a leafy and wide valley. At the end of the same one, a path begins to ascend to overcome 264 meters of altitude and to arrive until Ca n'Olives. Now ye can consider that we have overcome the test. A soft descent in a wide road takes us until Lladó, where we will remain


Today we will go toward the Sea. We have left the mountain stages behind, and we will follow the roads of low forest, cultivation fields, and mightier rivers, to arrive among the intense green of the prairies, the oak forests, oak and mediterranean pine, being alternated in the wavy mount hills under, we will cross numerous farm farmhouses anchored in the time and splendor of their solid stone structures, with very interesting architectural touches that accuse the time and current in which was built each one.

To the 14 h. we will Arrive to Avinyonet of Puigventós, small village, where we will enter for the streets that centuries ago were only built for people and chivalries, and for their narrow one and it narrows construction they have not allowed that the modern vehicles the invades. We will have the sensation that awaits us for years he/she stops again to open the way to their authentic pedestrians: the chivalries.

Next, we will cross the river Rísec, through the gorga, for we will displace until Borrassà, we will follow route toward Fortiá, with the mediterranean sea of bottom with a stupendous perspective of the bay of Roses, through cultivation fields, crossing the small towns of Creixell, Tonyà and Siurana.

We will pass next to the Estany of Siurana, we will cross characteristic fields of an area of geographical depression that indicate us the proximity of the aiguamolls. We will continue until Riumorts, and we will arrive to Fortià, where we will leave the horses and we will sleep to Brave Ampuria.


We will go to horse until the aiguamolls of L'Empordà, until the Meleses of Vilamacolum. Give here through The Bomb, we will end up again eating Siurana. An afternoon through the passage of the Creu of the Bisbe, Dog Sot and Hermedàs, we will cross on the freeway and the NII to arrive to Pontós, where we will eat. The quarter day we will Leave in address of the Puig Balcó, Inn dels Oms, The resclosa and we will meet with Orfes.

We will get ready for the farewell party that we will already have deserved it to us.


"And the seventh day, rest" will End up eating Esponellá, it stops in a last tract, to arrive to Serinyà, to Equinatur, with the peace of the nature that has impregnated us, has united, made friends and partners, and we only think in when we are for the following route.





Estas rutas se diseñan a medida de los clientes, en base a su nivel, sus intereses y gustos, com una gran variedad de posiblidades que nuestra dilatada experiencia nos permite ofrecer. 








We offer to all level riders private or group lessons that allow them either introduce or achieve advanced equestrian level. Is possible to mix arena lessons with trials trought amazing pastures and forests.

Our facilities include 2 outdoor lighted arenas with convenient sizes and GGT footing, jumping obstacles and dressage letters.

We have experience teaching riders of all levels of expertise from amateur to competitive professionals.

You may bring your own horse or use one of ours.


The desseage passion!!




An evaluation lesson is strongly recommended before entering the program for those students who:  
• have never ridden  
• have ridden elsewhere   • are returning to riding after an absence • are advanced and competition riders

This lesson allows each student to be placed in the group that is suitable to their present riding ability.

Trough the different lessons a wide range of topics will be covered such as care and grooming of the horse, correct use and care of horse equipment and standar safety rules. Provide a sequential order of riding classes based on our systematic approach to teaching riding. As our students achieve the skills required for each level, they progress from one class to the next.





We offer private, semi-private, and group dressage clinics to all levels of riders in every age group. All programs are conducted by our professional, hands-on staff.

Our dressage arena have weather-resistant footing and powerful flood lights for evening classes.

Attention to any special needs like accomodation is avalaible.


Equinatur offers either begginers to advanced riders to join our competition team. Our goal is to help each rider reach their riding challenges. Each rider may train and compete in different equestrian events, including popular fairs as well regional sport meetings throughout the year. Our lessons promote equestrian skills as much character building for young riders and respecful of horses.

We organize transport logistics to the competition place and provide horse and equipment if necessary.








An evaluation lesson is strongly recommended before entering the program for those students who:  
• have ridden elsewhere   • are returning to riding after an absence • are advanced and competition riders

This lesson allows each student to be placed in the group that is suitable to their present riding ability.

Trough the different lessons a wide range of topics will be covered such as care and grooming of the horse, correct use and care of horse equipment and standar safety rules. Provide a sequential order of jumping classes based on our systematic approach to teaching riding. As our students achieve the skills required for each level, they progress from one class to the next.





We offer private, semi-private, and group jumping clinics to all levels of riders in every age group. All programs are conducted by our professional, hands-on staff.

Our jumping arena have weather-resistant footing and powerful flood lights for evening classes.

Attention to any special needs like accomodation is avalaible.






We offer to all level riders private or group lessons that allow them either introduce or achieve advanced equestrian level. Is possible to mix arena lessons with trials trought amazing pastures and forests.

Our facilities include 2 outdoor lighted arenas with convenient sizes and GGT footing, jumping obstacles and dressage letters.

We have experience teaching riders of all levels of expertise from amateur to competitive professionals.

You may bring your own horse or use one of ours.


Equinatur offers either begginers to advanced riders to join our competition team. Our goal is to help each rider reach their riding challenges. Each rider may train and compete in different equestrian events, including popular fairs as well regional sport meetings throughout the year. Our lessons promote equestrian skills as much character building for young riders and respecful of horses.

We organize transport logistics to the competition place and provide horse and equipment if necessary.





An evaluation lesson is strongly recommended before entering the program for those students who:  
• have never ridden  
• have ridden elsewhere   • are returning to riding after an absence • are advanced and competition riders

This lesson allows each student to be placed in the group that is suitable to their present riding ability.

Trough the different lessons a wide range of topics will be covered such as care and grooming of the horse, correct use and care of horse equipment and standar safety rules. Provide a sequential order of western classes based on our systematic approach to teaching riding. As our students achieve the skills required for each level, they progress from one class to the next.






We offer private, semi-private, and group dressage clinics to all levels of riders in every age group. All programs are conducted by our professional, hands-on staff.

Our dressage arena have weather-resistant footing and powerful flood lights for evening classes.

Attention to any special needs like accomodation is avalaible.





We offer to all level riders private or group lessons that allow them either introduce or achieve advanced equestrian level. Is possible to mix arena lessons with trials trought amazing pastures and forests.

Our facilities include 2 outdoor lighted arenas with convenient sizes and GGT footing, jumping obstacles, poles, barrels and dressage letters.

We have experience teaching riders of all levels of expertise from amateur to competitive professionals.

You may bring your own horse or use one of ours.


Equinatur offers either begginers to advanced riders to join our competition team. Our goal is to help each rider reach their riding challenges. Each rider may train and compete in different equestrian events, including popular fairs as well regional sport meetings throughout the year. Our lessons promote equestrian skills as much character building for young riders and respecful of horses.

We organize transport logistics to the competition place and provide horse and equipment if necessary.





- Specific riding equipment adapted to all levels of riders

- Combined with other leisure and adventure activities: Rafting, mountain biking, quads, paintball, etc ...

- We specialise in groups, and bachelor or bachelorette parties.

-Company Incentives: Incentive activities for employees and customers of companies. Test of the possibility of psychotechnical qualification of attitudes in activities.












During the camps, vacations, many children develop activities that complement leisure time and reconcile the parents' work schedules. In this area we offer this space in the morning, in which boys and girls learn the care of the horse, its parts, its equipment, the technique and rules of equestrian practice in its different disciplines..







Equinatur programs for this course equestrian sports activities combined with a nature classroom and adapted for PRIMARY, ESO and SECONDARY students. The contents of the courses are adapted to the age and profile of the corresponding course. The contents of the activities are: Nature classroom. Introductory classroom to the morphology, care, behaviour and rules of riding. Practice of horseback riding in a riding arena and through the natural route previously studied in the classroom. Prehistory classroom in which the historical location, way of life, geological composition of the prehistoric caves of Serinyà are discussed. Horseback or cart route through the Serinyà caves. All activities are taught by instructors qualified in the corresponding specialties. The syllabus is open to modifications that are convenient for the teaching staff of each centre. We have equestrian activities scheduled for extracurricular activities and camps.





Boarding sevice for your horse, rest, training and temporary accomodation.













Equinatur offers either begginers to advanced riders to join our competition team or training on dessage, jumping or western. Our goal is to help each rider reach their riding challenges. Each rider may train and compete in different equestrian events, including popular fairs as well regional sport meetings throughout the year. Our lessons promote equestrian skills as much character building for young riders and respecful of horses.

We organize transport logistics to the competition place and provide horse and equipment if necessary.





80 € PER 2 HOUR

100 € ALL DAY